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AI Assistant FAQs

Answers to frequently-asked questions about HoneyBook's AI Assistant tools

Updated this week

Priority lead notifications

How do priority lead notifications work?

HoneyBook’s priority lead insights employ a powerful, machine learning model that predicts booking likeliness and high revenue potential. In short: the model recognizes your most valuable leads and notifies you about them right away.

Whenever a lead comes in via HoneyBook contact form or HoneyBook lead form, you’ll receive a priority lead mobile push notification for any inquiry that the model determines is more likely to book and/or book a high-value project, compared to your company’s other leads. This notification will also appear in your notification center on desktop.

What predictors does the priority lead notifications model use?

To determine which leads are most valuable, the model takes into account various factors relative to your company, such as lead source, project type, project budget, and project date/time. Additionally, the model leverages historical data from your profile, including average project revenue, booked dates, and conversion rates, to enhance the notifications.

📚 Tip

Receiving a priority lead notification does not guarantee that the lead will book or book a higher value, but it does indicate that the lead is more likely to, for the majority of leads.

As your business grows and accumulates more historical data, this model continues to learn and improve. All information is kept strictly anonymous and confidential.

Why am I not receiving priority lead notifications?

Check out our troubleshooting guide here.

AI writing assistant

How does the AI writing assistant work?

For new leads

When a new lead comes in via HoneyBook lead form or contact form, your company name, industry type, and the fields of the contact form are received by the AI writing assistant. The assistant drafts up a suggested response in real-time: an email reply that's personally tailored to your lead and matches your tone.

For client emails

The AI writing assistant for project emails takes in the historical communication from the corresponding project, project context, and your own personal style; then uses this information to generate a suggested email reply.

Custom prompts

The AI writing assistant takes in your custom prompts, historical communication and your company details, then uses this information to generate a suggested email reply.

When can the AI writing assistant start suggesting responses?

In order for the AI composer to generate an accurate and complete response, there needs to have been enough communication history in the corresponding project.

  • For leads: When a new lead comes in via HoneyBook contact form or lead form

  • For client emails: When at least 2 client emails have been sent in the project

📣 Note

More communication history may be needed for the AI composer to suggest a response for leads that come in through Zapier. Consider using AI custom prompts for these situations.

How do I access a suggested response from the AI writing assistant once the notification goes away?

Even after the corresponding notification disappears, you'll still be able to access the AI writing assistant's suggested response. Open the corresponding project > select the AI writing assistant icon by the email composer.

Do I have to use the AI writing assistant's suggested responses?

No, you don't have to use the AI composer's suggested responses. If you'd prefer, you can always create a different response and send it off to the project participants.

AI project recaps

What meetings will I receive project recaps for?

To receive a project recap for a meeting, the meeting must meet the following criteria:

  • Scheduled through HoneyBook

  • Associated with a project that has at least one email sent in it

  • Scheduled after AI project recaps were added to your account

When will I receive project recaps?

Project recaps are created 1 hour before each eligible meeting.

AI meeting assistant

How does the AI meeting assistant work?

Whenever you enter a video meeting that’s been scheduled through HoneyBook and is associated with a project, the AI meeting assistant will request entry. If approved, it will generate meeting notes that will be available in the project shortly after the meeting ends.

Will the AI meeting assistant ask to join video calls that were scheduled before this feature was available?

No. The AI meeting assistant will ask to join video meetings that were created after the AI meeting assistant was added to your account.

What video calls will the AI meeting assistant work for?

The AI meeting will work for meetings that meet all of the following criteria:

  • Session type is video

  • Scheduled through HoneyBook

  • Associated with a HoneyBook project

  • Created after the AI meeting assistant was added to your account

  • You’ve signed in to Google Meet or Zoom

Then, to generate a summary, at least ten sentences must be spoken in the meeting.

What does the AI meeting assistant look like in video calls?

The AI meeting assistant will appear as an additional attendee. The name will read “HoneyBook notetaker,” and the company logo will be shown.

How long does it take for AI meeting notes to be generated?

Once a meeting ends, the AI meeting notes take just a few minutes to be generated. The project owner and HoneyBook meeting attendee will receive a notification and email alert as soon as the notes are ready.

Will AI meeting notes show on my external calendar?

AI meeting notes will not show on any external calendars–only on your HoneyBook Calendar.

Can clients access AI meeting notes?

No, clients cannot view AI meeting notes. AI meeting notes are visible only to team members who are part of the corresponding project.

Can I edit AI meeting notes?

Yes, you can edit (and delete) AI meeting notes, just like any other project notes. Learn how to edit notes here.

Is it legal to use an AI meeting bot?

Yes, it is legal to use an AI meeting bot, as long as the AI meeting bot is disclosed to the meeting attendees. When attendees join a meeting in which the AI meeting assistant has been added, they’ll automatically receive a message letting them know that a transcript of the meeting is being recorded so the owner can focus on the conversation.

Can I use the AI meeting assistant in meetings I manually create on my Calendar?

Yes, you can use the AI meeting assistant in meetings that you manually create from your HoneyBook Calendar. When you create the meeting, be sure to connect it with a HoneyBook project, then choose video as the meeting type. If you've integrated Zoom or Google Meet, the video link will automatically appear and the AI meeting notetaker will request access when the meeting starts. If you didn't integrate Zoom or Google Meet, you can just paste a video link when selecting “other” from the video meeting options in HoneyBook.

AI project prep

What projects will I receive project prep notes for, and when?

Project prep notes are sent 5 days before a project date, for projects that meet the following criteria:

  • Active project (not archived or deleted)

  • Contains content (at least one email, note, file, contact form submission, and/or lead form submission)

  • Project date added under the project details

Note that if a project start and end date are added, the project prep note will be sent 5 days prior to the project end date (not the project start date).

Who has access to a project prep note?

Every vendor involved in a project will get notifications letting them know that a project prep note is ready. The project prep note can be viewed by the project owner, team members with access, and any other vendors working on the project.

Clients will not receive notifications about project prep notes and cannot see them. However, if you want to share the note with a client, you can do so by turning on the option in the top right corner of the note.

Still have questions? Feel free to send us a message by clicking the Question Mark icon on any HoneyBook page. Our team is always happy to help!

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