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Smart file FAQs

Understanding HoneyBook's smart files, what they can do, and how they fit into your business.

Updated this week

Smart file functionality

What are smart files?

Smart files simplify the process of managing the client experience, including onboarding, service selection, contracting, invoicing, and payments. They enable you to customize everything from visuals to automation, ensuring that they align with your brand and business processes.

Smart files can range from one-page invoices and contracts to multi-step booking documents that allow clients to select a service, sign a contract, and make a payment in one go.

The smart files builder offers unlimited possibilities for creating unique client experiences.

What can smart files do?

In each smart file, you can include a combination of these functions:

You can design each element using your brand colors, custom fonts, and layouts to enhance visual appeal.

Smart files can be easily shared with clients via email or a direct link. They can also be automated to go out automatically. Clients can open, review, and take action from any device. You can track their progress and review responses in HoneyBook.

If you're unsure where to start, check out the Template Gallery for ideas and inspiration.

How can I use smart files in my business process?

You can use smart files to replace traditional documents like PDFs, Word docs (and HoneyBook legacy files) for various aspects of your business process. Smart files have multiple functions, including:

Can I send multiple files at a time to a client?

While you cannot include multiple HoneyBook files within a single message to a client, you can create as many files as you need and send them individually—they'll just each be sent with their own separate email.

You can always add multiple attachments (PDFs, etc) if you need to include additional information within a single message.

Can I edit my team members' files?

While it may be tempting to assist a teammate, only owners, super admins, and admins have the authority to edit team members' files.

If you have basic or moderator access and want to edit these files, reach out to your account owner, super admin, or admin to request a permission level change.

Editing sent smart files

How do I let clients edit their responses in a smart file that’s been completed?

Clients are not able to edit their responses in a smart file that’s currently in the Completed stage. That said, there is a workaround to change the file back to In Progress to allow them to make changes. Learn how to edit a sent smart file.

Be sure to choose the option to email your client (if your edits didn’t already require it) so they know they can now update their previous responses and resubmit.

📣 Note

Resubmitting responses to questions will overwrite the client’s original answers in the smart file, if the responses have changed. You will not be able to retrieve the original answers once they’ve been updated.

When is a smart file considered completed?

A smart file is considered Completed once the client has completed all actions, answered all mandatory questions, and navigated to the final page of the smart file.

However, if the final page contains questions or actions, the client must select Submit on the final page in order for the file to be considered completed. Learn how to manually mark a smart file as complete.

Marking a file as complete

Why would I want to manually mark a smart file as completed?

Sometimes, clients may finish all the required actions in a smart file but fail to properly mark the file as completed by not navigating to the final page or submitting the file. Manually marking the file as complete ensures that the status of your file accurately reflects the actions taken by the client.

You can also now set up automations to initiate specific steps once a file is completed. This enables you to progress through your projects seamlessly with just a click of a button, eliminating the need to reach out to your client.

Why can't I mark my file as completed?

In order to mark a file as completed, all required actions must have been taken by the client (i.e., required questions answered, contract signed, payments made). If the client hasn't yet done these actions within the file, reach out to them.

Still have questions? Feel free to send us a message by clicking the Question Mark icon on any HoneyBook page. Our team is always happy to help!

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