To ensure prompt client attention, you can set a smart file to expire after a specific time frame, or manually expire it when needed. Once expired, the client can still view the smart file but can't take any actions like answering questions, signing contracts, or making payments.
Set smart file's expiration window in advance
You can set a smart file's expiration window when creating a file template or sending a file to a client:
While working on a smart file, select the Configure settings icon
In the "FILE EXPIRATION" section, turn on Turn on file expiration
Click the pencil icon to edit the expiration message
Set when this file will expire
If you're working on a template, the expiration window will also start based on your choice here
Select Display expiration date in file if you want the expiration date to appear on the file
Select SAVE & EXIT
Manually expire smart file
You can manually expire a smart file any time, while it's still in progress. Completed smart files can't be expired.
Use the search bar to find the smart file you want to expire
From the navigation menu, you can also select Projects > the project that holds the file you want to expire > the file you want to expire
Select the Configure settings icon
In the "FILE EXPIRATION" section, select EXPIRE NOW
Select SAVE & EXIT
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