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Create a new session type

Learn more about creating session types to make it easy for clients to schedule time with you.

Updated this week

Session types allow you to create the framework for various kinds of meetings, sessions, or events you might schedule regularly, and that generally have similar attributes—durations, available days, meeting instructions, etc.

You can create session types to schedule things like intro calls, mini sessions, design consultations, business coaching calls, and more. You can even create session types for individual team members, if you need clients to be able to book each team member separately.

We'll cover how to create a session type and adjust its settings below.

📣 Note

Members on the Starter plan can create up to 1 session type, while Essentials and Premium plan members can create unlimited sessions. Learn more about the features included in each plan here.

Get started

  1. From your HoneyBook home page, click the Tools menu

  2. Select Scheduler

  3. Click + New Session Type

Adjust the session details

  1. Enter the session’s details:

    1. Session type: phone call, in-person, video, etc.

    2. Title of session: Consultation, Mini Session, 15-minute Call, etc.

    3. Timezone: which timezone the session will be scheduled in

    4. Duration: amount of time allotted for session

    5. Window: when the session can be scheduled

      • You can either select Indefinitely, which would enable clients to book as far into the future as they'd like; set a Rolling Window of any of number of days, weeks, or months from the current date; or, select a Fixed Date range in which the session can be booked

      • For example: If you set a rolling window of 2 months, clients would only be able to see your calendar and book time a maximum of 2 months from today's date

    6. Session date is project date: Whether the project date will be set as this session's date

      • This will only set the project date if it’s the first session scheduled for a project

      • There are some instances where the session date booked by the client will override the related project’s date, and instances where the project date will be unaffected by a session with this setting toggled ON

        • Project date is affected by session date change when:

          • You or a team member has not set the project date at any time

            • The client reschedules the session (the project date reflects the new session date)

            • The client cancels the session (the project date will be removed)

          • Project date is not affected by session date when:

            • A project date was already set by you or a team member and a session with this setting toggled on is booked

            • You or a team member edits the project date after a session is scheduled

              • Future session reschedules or cancels will no longer affect the project date

    7. Session color: What color will designate this session type in your calendar

    8. Instructions: What session invitees will see upon scheduling

Set up automated session reminders (optional)

  1. If you’d like, set up invitee reminders

  2. You can add up to two reminders, to be sent to meeting invitees any number of minutes, hours, days, or weeks before a meeting

    1. Select the reminder type: Email or Email & SMS

      1. The content of SMS reminders cannot be adjusted, but you can customize the content of the reminder email by clicking the pencil icon

    2. Check Also send to me if you'd like to receive the email reminders as well

      1. Only clients will receive SMS session reminders

    3. Click the X in the reminder field to remove one or both reminders

Set the session availability

  1. Click Next: Availability

    1. This is where you can determine which days and hours you'd like to make available for this particular session type

    2. Click a day of the week to set availability for that day and from here:

      1. Set a window (or multiple windows) of time in which this particular session type can be scheduled

      2. Apply this window(s) to all days (e.g. all Mondays have availability from 9:00am-11:00am, but all Tuesdays have availability from 1:00pm-3:00pm)

    3. If you do not check Apply to all [days], this availability will only apply to the specific date that you’re editing

  2. Click Save when you’ve completed the day's availability

  3. Repeat the process for any other days for which you need to add, remove, or edit availability

  4. Adjust the additional availability settings by toggling them ON or OFF

    1. Buffers: ensures that extra time is added before or after scheduled meetings so you have some breathing room

      • For example: If you set a buffer for 15 minutes after meetings, and you already have a session in place from 9:00-9:30am, your client will not see available time slots prior to 9:45am on that day

    2. Notice: designates the minimum amount of time between when a client is looking at your calendar and when they can book a meeting

      • For example: If you set 3 hours of notice and a client is looking at your calendar at 9:00am today, they will not see any open time slots before 12:00pm in today's availability

    3. Custom increments: by default, your availability will be displayed in 30 minute increments (e.g. if your meeting duration is 30 minutes long, clients will see available meeting times a 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, etc.)

      • Setting your own increments allows meeting start times to be customized (e.g. if you set your meeting increment to 15 minutes, available meeting times will be 9:00, 9:15, 9:30, 9:45, etc.)

    4. Team members: selected team members will be assigned externally-scheduled sessions (and any corresponding projects, created automatically), in a round robin fashion

Adjust the session confirmation details

  1. Click Next: Confirmation

  2. In the Confirmation section, customize the message your client will see upon successfully scheduling this session

    • The grey session details fields cannot be deleted (they will automatically populate the relevant information based on the details of the scheduled session)

  3. Adjust the additional confirmation settings by toggling them ON or OFF

    1. Allow rescheduling: offers your client the option to reschedule a session without contacting you

      • Selecting this option brings them back to your availability to pick a new meeting time

      • Upon reschedule, you and your client will both receive an email confirmation, and the event will automatically update in your calendar

    2. Allow cancellation: offers your client the option to cancel a session without contacting you

      • Upon cancellation, you and your client will both receive an email confirmation, and the event will be automatically removed from your calendar

    3. Send confirmation email: automatically sends an email confirmation to your client, including the meeting details and an option to add the meeting to their calendar

  4. Once all details have been filled out, click Save and Finish

In your main Scheduler view, you should now see your new session listed. If you’re ready for clients to begin scheduling this session type, make sure the session is toggled to Active. You can also click the eye icon to preview what your client will see, or click the link icon to copy this session's link and start sending it out.

Next steps

Once you've created one or more session types, you can get a bird's eye view of your availability for all sessions in your Availability Overview. This simply allows you to see your week as a whole, and also offers a quick way to edit or add availability.

This view is intended to be an overview of your potential availability. It will not offer a preview of your real-time availability, which will vary based on meetings and sessions that are scheduled—by you, or by your clients—in any of your HoneyBook companies.

Next, you can:

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