Building templates
How do I add an image from my Library to my template as a page?
How do I add an image from my Library to my template as a page?
To add an image from your Library to your template, add an image content block. Then, select any asset from your Library. The resulting page will look like this:
Templates and multiple companies
Can I copy templates between brands?
Can I copy templates between brands?
There's currently no built-in way to copy templates between brands, but our Support team can help. Chat in "Talk to a person" along with:
The name of the template
The company the template is currently under
The company you'd like to copy the template over to
Note that our Support team can help with transferring templates only between brands. Projects and images from your Library cannot be copied between companies.
Sharing a template with other business owners
What happens if I want to share a template I previously made private?
What happens if I want to share a template I previously made private?
You can activate and deactivate a template as you please. If you deactivate a template, but later choose to reactivate it again, it will be the same link as before.
Can I make any edits to a template that I've shared with other business owners?
Can I make any edits to a template that I've shared with other business owners?
You can make changes to a template, but anyone who saved the previous version will still only have that version. They can update their template by returning to your share link and saving the newest version.
When you make any changes, they’ll be saved automatically in case you need to step away. Those changes won’t appear on the public template until you apply them, however.
If I'm a Pro, is there a way for me to tell a HoneyBook trial began from my template?
If I'm a Pro, is there a way for me to tell a HoneyBook trial began from my template?
If you're a Pro and a trial began from a template you created, you'll see a "Started from Template" badge in the Status tab of your referral dashboard.
Can I delete a template that I've shared with other business owners?
Can I delete a template that I've shared with other business owners?
You can delete public templates. Anyone who has the share link will see a screen letting them know that the template is unavailable.
Can people not in the U.S. or Canada use my public template?
Can people not in the U.S. or Canada use my public template?
HoneyBook is designed for independents based in the U.S. and Canada. Because of this, public templates aren’t currently available outside of these two countries.
Can I sell any templates I've created?
Can I sell any templates I've created?
Yes! As long as you follow the policies of the marketplaces or platforms you want to use and have the rights to any assets you've included in the template, feel free to sell your templates as you see fit.
Still have questions? Feel free to send us a message by clicking the Question Mark icon on any HoneyBook page. Our team is always happy to help!