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FAQ: Pipeline

Answers to frequently-asked questions about the project pipeline

Updated over 9 months ago

Can clients see my pipeline?

Clients cannot view your pipeline. However, they can see the name of the pipeline stage(s) associated with any projects they've been added to. This means stages should have client-appropriate names.

How many pipeline stages can I add?

You can add up to 20 custom pipeline stages.

Are pipeline automations different from the automations feature?

Yes, pipeline automations are different from the automations feature. Pipeline automations allow you to select what pipeline stage projects will move to when you or your client take a specific action.

The automations feature allows you to automatically send emails or files, and create internal tasks, at the cadence of your choice; for all projects that have the automation applied.

Can I create multiple pipelines?

Each company can have one pipeline. The same pipeline will appear for all team members added to the company. If you use HoneyBook's multiple companies feature, each company can have its own unique pipeline.

Why would I want to send a bulk email?

Bulk emails help you save time by communicating with multiple clients in one easy step. They're ideal for proactive outreach and avoiding cancellations.

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