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The home page payments widget

Understanding what's included in your payments widget and how amounts are calculated

Updated over a week ago

The payments widget on your home page gives you a clear overview of your expected payments for the current month, as well as the status of each payment—whether it's paid, processing, upcoming, or overdue.

This bird's-eye view helps you keep a firm grasp on your projected revenue, so there's never any financial surprises; allows you to quickly address any payment issues that come up; and even helps you plan ahead for your business.

You can even use the widget to review full invoices and quickly send payment reminders for upcoming or overdue payments.

Below, you’ll find definitions and calculation overviews for each section.

This month’s gross payments

The gross payment amount gives you a quick overview of your projected gross payments for the month, so you can address any issues early and confidently plan your business' finances.

The gross payment amount includes:

  • Paid payments (green): payments received so far this month, including tax and tip

  • Payments being processed (orange): submitted payments that are still being processed. ACH payments take 7-8 business days to move from processing to paid, while card payments will be moved to the paid stage instantly.

  • Upcoming payments (gray): payments expected to be paid this month, based on invoice due dates

  • Overdue payments (red): late payments with due dates from this month

These payments include:

  • Any discounts, taxes, or fees you’ve applied to invoices

These payments do not include:


If a file contains an invoice and contract, payments from that file will be included in this amount only once the contract is signed.

All overdue payments

The all overdue payments amount helps you understand which payments you may need to take action on.

This amount includes overdue payments from all sent invoices, regardless of whether the file is booked (signed contract or invoice with at least one completed payment) and projects regardless of the payments original due date.

This widget also includes overdue payments from the current month.

Paid/processing, upcoming, and overdue tabs

These tabs allow you to dig deeper into each payment by listing individual payments, separated by payment status, from the current month.

Selecting a payment will open its invoice, so you can review the full context and take action on any payments that need your attention, such as sending a payment reminder or editing an invoice.

Viewing or editing invoices and sending payment reminders

Select any payment under the paid/processing, upcoming, or overdue tabs to review the invoice and take action.

To view or edit an invoice:

1. Select a payment to open the quick view of its invoice → click View to open the full file summary.

2. To edit, select Edit File in the toolbar.

To send a payment reminder:

1. Select a payment to open the quick view of its invoice → click View to open the full file summary.

2. Find the invoice section of the action summary → click send reminder for the necessary payment.


Where can I see all my payments?

For a full overview of your payments, click the widget header.

This will open your the Payments tab of your Bookkeeping section, where you can see payments across all months. Learn more about the Payments tab here.

Why don't I see payments from every invoice I've sent?

The widget shows and calculates payments that have payment due dates in the current month. If you've sent invoices that only have due dates in past or future months, you will not see those invoices.

Additionally, if a file contains an invoice and a contract, payments from that file will be included only once the file is booked (aka the contract is signed).

Still have questions? Feel free to send us a message by clicking the Question Mark icon on any HoneyBook page. Our team is always happy to help!

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