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Send payment reminder

Make payment reminders that can be automatically sent by HoneyBook or manually sent in your projects to help clients remember to pay

Updated this week

When reminding a client to complete a payment, it can be tackled automatically by HoneyBook or handled manually by you.

πŸ“£ Note

Only one payment reminder can be sent per day. For example, if you manually send a payment reminder, but an automatic payment reminder would've been sent later that day, the automatic payment reminder won't be sent.

Set up automatic payment reminders

When you automate a payment reminder, you can personalize the reminders and message within them to maintain your own tone:

  1. From the navigation menu, select Settings > select Company settings

  2. Select the Preferences tab

  3. In the "Payment reminders" section, turn on what payment reminder emails you want to be automatically sent

  4. You can edit the email message for each automatic payment reminder you turn on by selecting Edit email next to the reminder

  5. When you're done editing the email, select SAVE

πŸ“£ Note

All reminders except for Recurring/Autopay are only for standard invoices, for example, the Overdue +7 reminder. If you want to have payment reminders sent for your recurring invoices, you'll want to turn on the Recurring/Autopay reminder.

Notes about automatic payment reminders

  • By default, all automatic payment reminders except milestone based due dates will be turned on

  • You can customize which automatic payment reminders are sent by toggling each one on or off

  • You can customize the text of automatic payment reminders

  • Automatic payment reminders will be sent only for booked files (contract signed and/or payment made)

  • All payment reminders, except for recurring/autopay, will be sent to all client and collaborator project participants. Recurring/autopay reminders will send only to the client whose card is on file

  • If your invoice and contract are contained in the same smart file, automatic payment reminders cannot be sent if the invoice comes after the contract.

Manually send payment reminder

If you currently have automatic payment reminders turned off but would like to send one manually, or if you'd like to send a one off reminder to a client, you can do so using a manual payment reminder.

  1. Use the search bar to find the file you want to send a payment reminder for

    1. You can also select Projects from the navigation menu > the project you want to send a payment reminder in

    2. Select the file that holds the payment you'll send a reminder for

  2. In the "ACTION SUMMARY" section next to the payment you want to send a reminder for, select the three-dot icon > select View payment details


From here, the payment reminder email will be sent to your project participants. If you only want certain participants like only one of the clients in the project, create a related workspace.

Notes about manual payment reminders

  • You cannot customize the text of manual payment reminders through the send process. The email that sends will pull the payment reminder language from your preferences, based on when the reminder is being sent:

    • Sent before due date: Upcoming reminder.

    • Sent on due date: Payment due date reminder.

    • Sent past due date: Outstanding reminder.

  • If you need to edit the subject or body of a manual payment reminder, select Settings > Company settings > the Preferences tab > edit the email message for the corresponding reminder email, for example, the upcoming email if you'll send a manual reminder before the due date

  • All payment reminders (except for recurring/autopay) will be sent to all client and collaborator project participants. Recurring/autopay reminders will send only to the client whose card is on file.

  • If your invoice and contract are contained in the same smart file, you can only send manual payment reminders if the invoice comes before the contract.

    • If your invoice comes after the contract, neither manual nor automatic payment reminders can be sent.

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