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Configuring a smart file's settings

How to customize your clients' experience with each smart file

Updated over a week ago

The settings section of a smart file allows you to make adjustments to your clients' experience & interactions with that smart file. These settings can be configured on a smart file template level, ensuring they will be the default settings for that file when you use it within a project, but they can also be set (or overwritten) before you send an individual smart file to a client!

To configure a smart file's settings, click the gear icon.

From here, you can:

If you make any changes to your configure settings, make sure to click Save & Exit to save the updates!

Edit the smart file's title

The smart file's title will default to the format set in your Preferences section, or, if you’re starting from scratch, will default to New File.

We recommend giving each smart file a client or project-specific name (e.g. Leslie Yep’s Invoice; Harvest Festival Service Selection & Booking; Duke Silver Onboarding Questionnaire; etc.).

Customizing the title will:

  • Set proper expectations for your client when they receive the file

  • Help you and your clients quickly identify documents within a project

  • Make it easy to find specific files from your main search bar

Add, edit, or remove the smart file's thumbnail image

Whether viewing a long list of smart file templates or deciphering which files are which within a project, adding thumbnail images to your files and file templates helps keep your business process organized and customized.

Though not required, adding thumbnail images to your smart file can help you:

  • Quickly & easily identify smart files

  • Add visual interest to your process

  • Extend your branding through every piece of the client experience

  • Create a visual, internal organization system (since you can turn thumbnails off for clients!)

Add an access code to your smart file

Access codes in smart files ensure the privacy and security of your clients’ personal details by making sure the correct people have access to the correct smart files.

While access codes are not required for any smart file, we do recommend keeping the feature turned on for booking smart files in particular (those with invoices, contracts, or both). If authentication is disabled, you are significantly reducing your ability to verify your client’s identity, which may lead to unauthorized access to your smart file.

Allow for view-only file sharing

📣 Note

Please note that this setting is visible only when working on a smart file in a project. It is not available on the template level.

When you're getting ready to share a smart file in a project, you can toggle view-only file sharing ON or OFF (default).

When toggled ON, you and the project participants can copy the view-only link and share it with anyone. Once the file is sent, you can return to the file's settings to copy the view-only link:

Recipients of the view-only link can view the file without taking actions, and won't see other project files or details—perfect if you have other people who need to be in the know on a specific file, but don't need to take any actions.

Set a redirect URL

The final button of your smart file—essentially, your Submit or Complete button—can be set to redirect your client to another URL once they click.

Setting a redirect URL is a great way to:

  • Send your client to a scheduling link to book time with you

  • Land clients on a thank you or next steps video or page

  • Direct clients to your business Instagram or portfolio

  • Point clients back to your website

  • Link clients to any other next steps you’d like them to take

  • And more! Whatever makes sense for your business process.

If you choose not to set a redirect URL, your client will see a standard “File completed” message, which will provide a link back to the client-side view of their project.

Expire the smart file

To make sure a client attends to a smart file in a timely manner, you can set the smart file to expire after a certain amount of time—or expire it manually whenever necessary. Once expired, the client will still be able to view the smart file, but will no longer be able to take any actions (such as answering questions, signing contracts, or making payments).

Set a smart file with services to draft an invoice

Though you can easily create a smart file that includes both services and an invoice—allowing clients to select and pay in one fell swoop—you can also split the process up while still keeping things simple for you!

If you have a smart file that contains a services block but not an invoice, you’ll see a Service Settings section in your configure settings.

Toggling this feature on ensures that when your client selects their services and submits the smart file, HoneyBook will automatically draft (but not send!) an invoice file for you from the template you select. This will save you time in the future, and is a good option if you want the chance to discuss your clients' selections before requesting payment.

If you choose a smart file template that already contains an invoice block, the clients’ selections will be added to any existing invoice items in the drafted version.

If the smart file template did not already contain an invoice block, we’ll add one for you with the chosen services.

Once the client submits their service selection smart file, you’ll see a new draft smart file in the client progress area of the file, as well as in the Files tab of the client’s project. Then, you can review the draft, make any necessary changes, and send the smart file off to the client when you’re ready for them to make their payment.

Still have questions? Feel free to send us a message by clicking the Question Mark icon on any HoneyBook page. Our team is always happy to help!

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