To save you the time of composing the same message over and over, create reusable email templates, which you can then insert into your communication.
From the navigation menu, select Templates > Emails
Here, you’ll see any email templates you’ve already created, as well as example templates we’ve provided
You can choose to work off of any of the existing email templates, or start from scratch by selecting Create New > Email
From the email edit screen, you can:
Edit the template name
Change the email subject line
Add text
Consider using email smart fields to automatically pull in information
Insert a link
Add your email signature
If you'd like to add an attachment (e.g. a PDF, an image, etc.) to this email template, select the paper clip icon in the tool bar
Then, choose a file or image from your Library, or upload something new
At this time, images/gifs cannot be embedded in the body of emails; they must be added as attachments
All changes will save automatically, so you're good to go whenever you're finished with your edits. You can now use your email template whenever you're sending an email.
Still have questions? Feel free to send us a message by clicking the Question Mark icon on any HoneyBook page. Our team is always happy to help!