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Fix project details not appearing in your smart files
Fix project details not appearing in your smart files

What you should do if you notice that project details (like dates) aren’t correctly pulling into your smart files.

Updated over a week ago

If you're noticing project details aren't updating in your smart file drafts but seem correct in your project details, you'll want to confirm they're correct in your project workspace before sending the smart file. When you send the file, the details will automatically update and will be correct when your client receives the file.

1. Confirm your project details

Since you can't update project details from a smart file, you can confirm they're correct in the project workspace.

  1. Use the search bar or go to the Projects tab to locate the project you want to confirm details for

  2. When you get to the project workspace, select the Details tab

  3. Make any needed changes to your project details

Don't leave the project workspace once all your project details look right. You'll send the smart file from the Files tab.

2. Share the smart file

This can happen when a smart file draft is created, changes to the project details are made afterwards. When this happens, the smart file will use the project details from when it was created, but will update to those details when it gets sent.

  1. Select the Files tab

  2. Select the smart file you were planning to share with your client

  3. When you're done making changes, select Update & Share

You'll notice the project details update to what you set in the previous section. What you see is what your client will see when they view the smart file.

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