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Getting started with contracts

How to create and share your first contract

Updated over a week ago

HoneyBook contracts let you:

  • Add your contract text

  • Dynamically pull project or client details, or request clients to input their information, using smart fields

  • Include electronic signatures for you and your clients

  • Combine the contract with other blocks (questions, scheduling, invoices, and more)

We’ll cover how to get started creating and sending contracts below. First, choose your starting point:

I’m new to contracts

Welcome to the world of online contracts! Before you start sharing contracts with clients, we recommend setting up your templates first.

What are templates, you might ask? Templates are baseline versions of your documents and great time-savers. Once you create a template, you can pull that template into projects and make client-specific customizations without affecting the original file. You might consider creating templates for different contract types (project agreements, cancellation amendments), project types (birthday party, wedding), and/or client types (business clients, individuals).

Use one of our example templates

We’ve created some example templates for you here. These are perfect if you haven't created templates of your own yet, and you can customize them to better fit your business.


While our templates were created with the help of legal experts, laws can vary from one jurisdiction to another. We highly recommend you have a lawyer review and customize your chosen template to make sure it covers all the unique details and nuances of your business, as well as local laws. This way, you're fully protected and good to go.

Click on a template to open and edit it. We have a step-by-step guide on building out contract templates here.

Start from scratch

  1. From your top navigation bar, select Templates > File Templates

  2. Select Create New > Contract

  3. Once you've created a new template, we have a step-by-step guide on building it out here

I have existing contract templates that I’d like added to HoneyBook

Great news: we provide a free file transformation service for all new members that have existing documents with pricing, contract, or questionnaire information. Our team takes these existing files and builds them into your HoneyBook account as reusable, dynamic templates.

  1. Upload your existing templates here

  2. You'll receive an email once your documents have been added to HoneyBook

    • This can take up to 72 hours

  3. Then, you can customize and send your contracts through HoneyBook and collect e-signatures from clients

Learn more about this complimentary service here.

Share your contract

Once you have a few contract templates in your account, you can get started sharing contracts with clients.

Contracts must be shared through client projects, with the project participants—they cannot be shared publicly at this time.

From your home page

  1. Click the + NEW button to the top right of your screen > select Smart file

  2. Select the Contract filter to see existing contracts you have

  3. Save the contract to a project: a shared workspace for you and your client to have everything organized in one place

  4. Make any client-specific edits to the content of the contract

  5. Assign a signature line to your client

  6. Share the contract with your client. You can:

    • Send via email

    • Or, create a direct link that you can share with your client through the channel of your choice

From the template builder

If you're working in a template, click Use Template and follow the prompts to share the contract through a client project.

  • Learn more about sending a file from the template builder here

From a client project

If you're working in a client project, click Create File > Contract and follow the prompts to share a contract with the project participants.

  • Learn more about sending a file from a project here

Still have questions? Feel free to send us a message by clicking the Question Mark icon on any HoneyBook page. Our team is always happy to help!

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