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Create an invoice smart file on mobile

How to create and send a smart file with an invoice & pay block from the HoneyBook mobile app.

Updated this week

Invoicing clients is essential for business operations, and you can conveniently do it through the HoneyBook mobile app. Using the app, you can create customized invoices from scratch or templates. You can then send, save, and edit invoices that include a list of services, prices, and a payment schedule.

Your clients can easily make payments from any device when they receive the invoice. Editing recurring invoices and invoices with service selections is not currently possible on the mobile app.

Add an invoice to a smart file or template

The invoice and pay block will be what adds invoicing capabilities to your smart file. When you add this block to your smart file, a new page will be created that holds the payment capabilities.

To increase your chances of booking, you will not be able to add an invoice to a page that already contains a contract, services, or Scheduler.

  1. Select the plus ( + ) icon to add a new block > select Invoice & Pay

  2. From here, either:

    1. Select + Start from blank > select your invoice type (standard or recurring)

    2. Select an existing smart template to pull in its invoice

  3. Select Done

📣 Note

An invoice page must always be added with a payment page. You cannot create a file with only an invoice page, or with only a payment page.

Add services, items, or packages to the invoice

  1. In the invoice block, select + Add item/package

  2. Select the search bar in the first empty service item field to start adding:

    1. Add existing items, services, or packages (any that you’ve sent to clients before) by selecting from the available list or typing to search for something specific

    2. Add something new by typing in the name of the item/service > select + New

  3. Edit the details for each item or package by clicking on the field you'd like to update: name, image, quantity, price, tax, etc.

    1. Even though you can toggle the visibility of columns on or off by selecting the column headers, you’ll need to have columns toggled on in order to edit what you're adding

  4. Continue adding items or services by selecting + Add an item/package

    1. Add sub-items by selecting the item > select Add a Sub-Item

Selecting an individual item will allow you to edit further: you can check or uncheck tax and toggle the image on and off in the right side bar; click the move icon to rearrange the order of items with drag and drop; and delete items with the trash can.

Configure the invoice's settings

Once you're happy with what the invoice holds, you'll need to adjust the invoice's settings.

  1. In the invoice block, pull up on the bottom toolbar

  2. From here:

    1. Rearrange where the invoice block appears on the page by tapping the arrows icon

    2. Use an invoice from another template by tapping Reuse an invoice from a template

    3. Set the invoice block's background color

    4. Set the block's margins

  3. When you're finished, select Done

Customize the invoice

Once the settings are where you want them, it's time to set up the invoice to match your company's branding. Each section below will show you how to edit the invoice header, item displays, invoice summary, and payment options.

Invoice header setup

  1. Tap the invoice header > select the gear icon > pull up on the bottom toolbar

  2. Toggle these options on or off:

    1. The invoice's title

    2. The purchase order (PO) for the invoice

    3. Whether the "Bill to" info should appear on the invoice

  3. If the "Bill to" option should appear, pick which project participant's info should appear there

    1. You can also create a new contact for this field

  4. Select Done

  5. Adjust invoice header's title, PO, and "Bill to" info as needed

Invoice summary setup

  1. Tap the invoice summary > select the gear icon > pull up on the bottom toolbar

  2. Toggle whether a discount or taxes should be applied to the invoice

  3. Edit each discount or tax you've applied by selecting the pencil icon

Invoice item displays

  1. Tap the invoice items > select the gear icon > pull up on the bottom toolbar

  2. Select whether the column headers (e.g., QTY) should use the invoice's theme color or not

    1. You'll only see this change on desktop

  3. Set the visibility for each piece of info by tapping the eye icon next to them

  4. Change the tax info (if you've already toggled taxes on for this invoice)

Edit the invoice's payment schedule

You're almost done. Next up, you'll edit the invoice's payment schedule (the details for how your client can pay).

  1. Tap the payment schedule section > tap the gear icon that appears

  2. From here, adjust the amounts and due dates for the payments.

Amount options

Select the dollar amounts to edit the values. You can choose from:

  • Custom amount: the dollar value of your choice

  • Percentage: automatically calculate dollar amounts based on percentage of the total

  • Divide equally: the total invoice amount, divided equally across all payments

Due date options

Select the dates to edit the values. You can choose due dates from:

  • Invoice date: payment due on the date the invoice is sent

  • Custom date: select a fixed due date on the calendar

  • Smart date: due date is based on a variable such as specific number of days, weeks, or months before a project date, after a project date, or after the invoice has been sent

  • Mid-project payment: halfway between the day the invoice is sent and the project date

  • Project date: the date your project is set for. If your project has a start and an end date, this will pull in the project start date

  • Milestone payment: manually request payment once a project milestone is completed (e.g. completion of a deliverable). If selecting this option, be sure to enter the Milestone name

Share the smart file

The final step: send your smart file to the client so you can get what you need. Learn how to share a smart file on mobile.

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