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Setting thumbnail images for your smart files
Setting thumbnail images for your smart files

Adding thumbnail images to smart files for better organization and branding

Updated over a week ago

Whether viewing a long list of smart file templates or deciphering which smart files are which within a project, adding thumbnail images to your smart files and smart file templates helps keep your business process organized and customized.

Though not required, adding thumbnail images to your smart file can help you:

  • Quickly & easily identify smart files

  • Add visual interest to your process

  • Extend your branding through every piece of the client experience

  • Create a visual, internal organization system (since you can turn thumbnails off for clients!)

HoneyBook Tip: Thumbnails can make scanning your template library a breeze! You can toggle to list view to easily scan titles and smart file info, or use grid view to use thumbnails in organizing and browsing visually.

PLEASE NOTE: By default, thumbnail images will not be visible to your clients—but it's easy to turn that visibility on!

Setting or editing a smart file's thumbnail image

You can select or edit a thumbnail image from a smart file's settings section, which you can access:

  • From within a smart file or smart file template, by clicking the gear icon

  • From your Templates section, by clicking a smart file's 3-dot icon > selecting Configure

  • From the Activity or Files tabs of a project, by clicking the smart file's 3-dot icon > selecting Configure (you can edit even after it’s sent!)

PLEASE NOTE: All options will open the smart file's configure settings section, so in all cases, make sure to click Save & Exit when you’ve finished updating!

Selecting a thumbnail image for a smart file template ensures that the image will be the default thumbnail any time that smart file is used in a project. You can, of course, add or overwrite the image when sending the smart file within individual projects.

Once you’ve opened the smart file's settings:

1. Click the pencil icon on the image under Choose a thumbnail. This will allow you to either add an image, or edit an existing image.

2. Select an image from your Library, or click Upload to upload something brand new.

  • HoneyBook Tip: Want a true visual representation of this smart file? Try taking a screenshot of a piece of the smart file itself, then uploading that as the thumbnail! Once you’ve selected an image, you can click the Crop tab to adjust it further.

3. Click Save.

4. Once back in the settings section, click Save & Exit.

Now, your smart file should come complete with a thumbnail image!

If you made this change to a smart file template, this will be the default image when using this smart file moving forward.

If you made the change from within an individual project, only the participants in that project will see the new thumbnail—the original smart file template won’t be affected.

Removing a smart file's thumbnail image

If you’d like to remove a smart file's thumbnail image entirely, head back to the smart file's settings using the steps above.

Then, click the trash can icon that appears when hovering over the thumbnail image.

Remember, if you made this change to a smart file template, the smart file will default to have no thumbnail image moving forward.

If you made the change from within an individual project, the participants in that project will not see a thumbnail image, but the original template won’t be affected.

You can also turn thumbnail visibility off for clients entirely—just follow the steps below!

Turning thumbnail visibility on or off for clients

For some, thumbnail images can be a handy tool for organization—perhaps you’ve color coded your various smart files, or used other visual cues to help your behind-the-scenes process. And, in that case, you may not want thumbnail images visible to clients at all.

Whatever the case may be, it’s easy to toggle thumbnail image visibility on or off at an account level.

To turn thumbnail visibility on or off for clients:

1. From any page, click your profile photo in the top right corner of your screen.

2. Select Company settings from the menu.

3. Select the Preferences tab.

4. Scroll down to the smart file default settings section.

5. Toggle the display smart file thumbnail images option on or off.

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