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How a services block works with invoices and contracts
How a services block works with invoices and contracts

Understanding how services blocks can help you create dynamic invoices and contracts

Updated over a week ago

Once you’ve added a services block to a smart file, you can streamline the booking process even further by also including an invoice and a contract in that same file—and both can dynamically pull your clients’ selections into their content, so you don’t even have to think about creating additional documents to complete the booking!

Services blocks & dynamic invoices

If you’ve created a services block that allows (or requires) your clients to make a service selection, you can include an invoice on a subsequent page of the file that will dynamically pull in your client’s selections and automatically calculate the total amount.

In your invoice, dynamic services are added only when a client makes selections from one or more services blocks in your smart file. In files that contain both a services block and an invoice, this dynamic section will automatically be included in your invoice (no need to add it manually), and will update to reflect the client’s choices.

You can also still include static services, just as you would in a standard invoice. Static services are the items/packages in an invoice that your client will be billed for regardless of their services block selections.

For example, you may include a particular package valued at $3,000 as a static service in your invoice, then allow clients to select from a list of add-ons as well. Then, when your client makes selections in the services block, the amount of those selections will be added to the static services you’ve included.

Services blocks & payment schedules

When an invoice follows a services block, the payment schedule you create will need to meet a few criteria depending on the other elements of the invoice.

Most importantly, bear in mind that since your clients will be selecting from a variety of items and services, there is no way to know what the total amount of their invoice will be in advance. That being the case, your payment schedule cannot only include static amounts; you’ll have to include dynamic amounts, as well.

Static vs. dynamic amounts

Since your invoice might have both static and dynamic services, your payment schedule might include static and/or dynamic payment amounts to reflect the variable invoice total.

Static amounts are set dollar amounts that will not vary based on the invoice total. You can add static payments (e.g. $100) using the custom amount option in your payment schedule.

If your invoice includes dynamic and static services, your static payments must be equal to or less than the amount of the static service.

Dynamic amounts will vary based on the selections your client makes in the services blocks, calculating the relevant percentages of the invoice total. You can add dynamic amounts (e.g. 10% or one half of the total) using the Percentage or Divide Equally options in your payment schedule.

Invoices that include dynamic services must include at least one dynamic amount.

Invoices containing only client-selected services

If your invoice will be totally determined by your client’s selections from a services block (and does not contain any static items/services), every payment in your payment schedule will need to be a dynamic payment using the Percentage and/or the Divide Equally options.

Since the total amount of a client-selection invoice will not be determined until the client makes said selections, you will not be able to include a payment of a custom (static) amount in this payment schedule.

In these invoices, you must:

  • Include at least one dynamic payment (Percentage or Divide Equally)

You can:

  • Include as many dynamic payments as you’d like

You cannot:

  • Include any Custom payments in the payment schedule

For example: If your invoice allows clients to select from a set of items, packages, and/or add-ons, the total amount of the invoice could vary wildly from invoice to invoice, depending on the client.

That being the case, adding a Custom payment to the payment schedule could throw off the total amount, adding up to a total that is over or under what the client selected.

Invoices containing static services and client-selected (dynamic) services

If you’ve added static services/packages to an invoice that will also add services based on client selections, you will be able to add any type of payment amount—with a few guidelines.

In these invoices, you must:

  • Include at least one dynamic payment (Percentage or Divide Equally)

You can:

  • Include Custom payment(s) of up to the static services total, provided a dynamic payment is included in the payment schedule as well

  • Include as many dynamic payments as you’d like

You cannot:

  • Create a payment schedule consisting only of Custom payments

For example: If your invoice always includes a Premium Package for $3000 while also allowing clients to select any number of add-ons, your Custom payment(s) can amount to $3000 or less. Then, you will need at least one dynamic payment (Percentage or Divide Equally) to account for the variable amount of the client’s selections.

Editing your clients’ invoice view

In invoices that dynamically pull in service selections, you can also customize exactly what your client will see on their invoice for each possible service.

To edit:

1. On the page of your smart file that contains the invoice, click the Edit button in the section where service selections will populate.

2. This will open a pop-up with all of the options from your services block, allowing you to edit each individually. You can:

  • Edit the name of the service

  • Edit or remove the description for the service

  • Toggle each service’s image on or off in the sidebar

  • Toggle tax for each service on or off in the sidebar

These updates will only be reflected in the client’s view of the invoice; they will not impact the services block.

PLEASE NOTE: Editing the price, unit, or quantity fields in this section will override the corresponding field in the services block.

4. Click Done when you’re ready.

Now, when the client makes their service selection, they’ll see these updates represented in the invoice block of their file!

Services blocks & contracts

If you’ve created a services block that allows (or requires) your clients to make a service selection and you've included an invoice in the smart file as well, you can also add a contract on a subsequent page into which you can dynamically pull your client’s selections.

Simply click into the contract editor, and in the Content sidebar, click Insert next to Services Recap. This will insert a section that dynamically updates to include the client’s service selections, once they’ve made them.

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