HoneyBook Pros are their own independent businesses that, like you, are using HoneyBook to manage their business. They have a comprehensive knowledge of all things HoneyBook, and they can help with anything you need for your business to set you up for success.
They'll work with you one-on-one in a variety of different aspects of your business, from automating your business process, to optimizing your smart files, to virtual assistant work, and more. They know where you’re coming from and speak the language.
There are 6 categories of HoneyBook Pro Services.
Setup & Workflows | Have Systems Experts build advanced workflows, integrations, or automations tailored to your needs. Masters of smart files as well! |
Marketing & Sales | Reach more clients with Facebook ads, Google Search, or social media strategies. |
Design & Branding | Stand out with logo, branding, or template designs that take your client experiences to the next level. |
Virtual Assistants | Hand off administrative tasks to put more time back in your day. |
Business Strategy and Coaching | Get the advice, guidance, and insight you need to overcome challenges and reach your goals. |
Finance & Legal | Access trusted accountants and attorneys to make sure your business is buttoned up. |
Each Pro determines their own pricing depending on their offerings and the services you need. HoneyBook Pros are entrepreneurs, just like you! While we recommend them as experts, HoneyBook does not set prices or service requirements.
Still have questions? Feel free to send us a message by clicking the Question Mark icon on any HoneyBook page. Our team is always happy to help!