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Stop, resume, or cancel a recurring invoice

Learn how to change the status of a recurring invoice.

Updated this week

Stop or resume recurring invoices whenever you need to. You also have the option to cancel them completely.

Stop a recurring invoice

  1. Use the search bar or select Projects from the top navigation menu to find the project that holds the recurring invoice you want to stop

  2. When you're in the project workspace, open the recurring invoice's File Summary by selecting it

  3. In the Recurring Invoice Summary section, select Stop Recurring

  4. Send your client an email notification to alert them of the change

Your client will still be able to review the smart file and take action on the next upcoming payment, but will not receive any further invoices from this smart file (unless you resume it again).

Resume a stopped recurring invoice

  1. Use the search bar or select Projects from the top nav menu to find the project that holds the recurring invoice you want to resume

  2. When you're in the project workspace, open the recurring invoice's File Summary by selecting it

  3. In the Recurring Invoice Summary section, select Resume Recurring

  4. Send your client an email notification to alert them of the change

Cancel a recurring invoice

To cancel a recurring invoice, you will need to expire the smart file containing that invoice.

Once a smart file is expired, your client will be able to view it, but not take any action. Expiring will also stop any automatic payments, cancel any future payments not set to autopay, and stop payment reminders.

Remember that you can select Preview when setting a smart file's expiration to check out what your client will experience.

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