Interacting with the transactions table

Get more information about what appears in the transactions table and what you can do in it

Updated over a week ago

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This article covers a feature that's included in an invite-only closed beta. If you're not a part of the beta, your finance suite will look different, and the help articles you'll want can be found here.

Get a record of all your payments and expenses in your transactions table. A good practice is to review your transactions at least weekly to keep up on categorizing expenses and scanning for fraudulent transactions.

Within your transactions table, you’ll have access to more info about your transactions. You’ll find more than just the typical information in an account’s transaction table (like the transaction date). With HoneyBook Finance, you can view what project a transaction is tied to, how much of each payment is set aside for savings buckets, and more.

What makes up the transactions table

The transactions table tracks how all funds enter and exit your business checking account.

1. Go to Finance in the top navigation menu → select Dashboard.

The transactions table is made up of five key columns: the transaction date, name, project name, category, and amount. Check out the table below to learn more about each column.

Transaction table column



When this transaction occurred. Note that the last 100 transactions to happen in your account will be present.

Transaction (name)

A short summary of the transaction. Typically includes the vendor name. If you moved funds within your HoneyBook Finance account, a summary of that action is also included (e.g., moving funds into a savings account).

Project name

If you linked a project to an expense in the transaction table, that will appear here. Project payments will automatically be linked. Learn more about uncovering project finances.

If a project is linked to the transaction, you can go to the project’s page by selecting (link).


For card transaction expenses. What expense category this transaction falls into. Learn more about expense categorization.


The total amount of the transaction. Note that any payments to you may have transaction fees and savings set aside into savings buckets that reduce what was added to your available balance. The next section covers amounts more in depth.

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If you've noticed ACH charges on your account that you don't recognize, immediately contact support by clicking the Question Mark icon on any HoneyBook page.

Learn more about amounts

For all payments you see in the transactions table, the amount will always show the total amount of the transaction. This may not equal the amount added to your available balance as transaction fees, funds set aside into savings buckets, and Capital loans may be deducted from that amount whenever applicable.

To see how funds were deducted from the original amount, select the transaction you want to investigate.

1. While looking at your transactions table, select the expense you want to investigate.

A list will appear on the right side of your screen. This list breaks down what funds were deducted from the original payment amount. Let’s break down the example below.

Here, the amount total, $0.88 had two deductions: $0.10 for a regular savings bucket and $0.13 for a tax savings bucket. This means $0.65 was added to the account’s available balance.

More info on transaction details

While reviewing transaction amounts and deductions, you can also discover a transaction’s date, ID, and type.

  • The date is when the transaction occurred

  • The ID is a unique identification number for the transaction (and is not an invoice ID). Your banking providers can use this number to identify the transaction if you ever need to troubleshoot with them.

  • The type will change depending on how this transaction was generated. Learn more about the different transaction types that can appear:

Transaction type



Funds were withdrawn from your account via an ATM machine.


A payment between two accounts on the same bank (e.g., funds were added to your tax savings bucket).


A catch-all type that covers when a card was used to make a transaction, but neither an ATM withdrawal nor a purchase took place (e.g., you used your card to send a PayPal payment).

Originated Ach

Funds were transferred out of your account via ACH.

Payment Canceled

A previously processed ACH payment you made was canceled.


A purchase was made with a card.

Received Ach

An ACH payment was received by a deposit account.

Returned Ach

An ACH payment was returned by the bank (not the account holder).

Interact with the transactions table

Within the transactions table, there’s a handful of actions you can take to get the most out of your HoneyBook Finance account. These actions, outlined below, will provide you with insights into what projects make you the most money and where you spend your money.

Unlock project finances by linking a project to a transaction

Under the Project name column, you can link projects to transactions. Doing so unlocks the project finances widget, providing you with insights on which projects make you the most money and which projects generate the most expenses.

When you link a project, you can also directly access that project’s page by selecting the Link icon.

Generate cashflow insights by categorizing an expense

Under the Category column, you can categorize expenses paid for with your business debit card (but not payments). Doing so begins to generate insights into your cashflow, letting you know where and how you spend your money.


Why is a declined/refunded/authorization hold transaction still appearing on my transactions table?

While a Pending transaction is on your account (aka "authorization hold"), those funds won't be available. If you know the transaction was declined or you received a refund for the amount and the hold is still on your account, the merchant hasn't yet processed the transaction. Even if your merchant says they've released the funds, their payment system may hold onto those funds for up to 31 days before releasing those funds back to you (though most industries are much faster to release your funds).

When you try to purchase something, the merchant usually will make an authorization hold for the purchase amount before it goes through. This is a temporary process meant to check you have enough funds to cover the purchase amount, and will either post to your account (which will deduct the funds) or fall off your account (which does not deduct funds).

Still have questions? Feel free to send us a message by clicking the Question Mark icon on any HoneyBook page. Our team is always happy to help!

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