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Connect your HoneyBook account to (Monday) if you aren't yet ready to make use of HoneyBook's project management system.

Updated over 5 months ago

You can connect your account to HoneyBook to automate actions between the two platforms. This two-way integration (using Zapier) links the accounts, so when a trigger in one account happens, an action is taken in the other (known as a Zap).

Connecting your HoneyBook account to can provide you with another place to manage your projects if you aren't ready to move over to HoneyBook's project management system.

📣 Note

This integration is available for HoneyBook Essential and Premium plan members. Learn more about the features included in each plan.

Retrieve your Zapier API Key in HoneyBook

To use Zapier, first get your Zapier API Key from your HoneyBook account. This unique key points out your HoneyBook account to Zapier so it knows which account the automations should happen in.

  1. From the top navigation menu, select Tools > select Integrations

  2. Find the Zapier integration card > select Copy API Key

Paste this key somewhere safe, and delete it from that safe spot after you’ve completed your integration. Do not share this API key with anyone, as it is unique to your account.

Set up your integration

While the goal is to automate actions between your HoneyBook and accounts, you’ll primarily be setting up the integration in Zapier.

Start your integration in HoneyBook

  1. From the top navigation menu, select your profile picture > select Company Settings

  2. Select the Integrations tab

  3. Find the integration card > select Connect

  4. Select Start

While the goal is to automate actions between your HoneyBook and accounts, you’ll primarily be setting up the integration in Zapier.

Finish your integration in Zapier

Once you're on Zapier’s site, you can create a custom Zap between HoneyBook and as well as try out a popular Zap. If you want to create a completely custom Zap and want to learn more, check out Zapier’s help center on Zaps.

If you want to try out a popular Zap instead, the process below will walk you through one.

📚 Tip

If you ever need to update this integration, come back to Zapier and select the Edit icons next to either HoneyBook or

Connect a popular Zap

In this Zap, items will be created whenever you get a new inquiry in HoneyBook.

Connect your Zapier and HoneyBook accounts

  1. Select the HoneyBook trigger > select Sign in in the setup menu

  2. Paste the Zapier API key you retrieved earlier into the new window > select Yes, Continue to HoneyBook

  3. Back in Zapier, check that your HoneyBook account appears in the setup menu > select Continue

  4. In the setup menu, select Test trigger

    1. When you do, Zapier will try to retrieve a project's info

    2. If Zapier was successful, the details of a project in your HoneyBook account should appear

  5. Select Continue with selected record

    1. This will be the inquiry used to set up the rest of the Zap (though all inquiries should have the automation once setup is complete)

Once you’ve chosen the project that’ll be used to set up this Zap, you’ll then need to connect your account and set up the item creation

Continue on to the next section when Zapier shows a green checkmark next to the HoneyBook logo and the setup menu asks you to sign into

Connect and finish the Zap

With the trigger in HoneyBook set up to fire when you receive an inquiry, you’ll now work in Zapier and to create items based on the HoneyBook inquiry.

1. Select the Zap block > select Sign in

2. Enter your API v2 Token (learn how to retrieve your API v2 Token)

3. Fill out the Zap's action details

What action details you set will be the ones used whenever the HoneyBook trigger fires (which you set up earlier). In this case, whenever a HoneyBook inquiry is received, an item will be created with the details you set here. Here are the different fields you can fill out: Item Fields


Board ID (required)

The specific board the item will appear on.

Group ID

Which board group this item will appear with.

Item Name (required)

The item’s name. You can use data tokens from the HoneyBook inquiry to automatically fill in parts of the name.

Subitem Name

If the item needs to have any subitems, enter the subitems’ names. You can use data tokens from the HoneyBook inquiry to automatically fill in parts of the name.


Who in your board will be assigned the new item.

Due Date

When this item must be completed by. You can also use relative due dates (e.g., “next Monday” instead of a specific date).


What status this item should start in.

4. Once you've settled on your item details, select Continue at the bottom of the Action section in the setup menu

5. Review your item choices > select Test action

a. If the test was successful, Zapier will tell you that an item was sent to

b. You should also confirm in your workspace that the task was created

6. Once you’ve confirmed that the test was successful, select Publish back in Zapier

Now whenever you get a new inquiry in HoneyBook, an item will be created in your workspace with the item details you set.

There are many other triggers you can use and actions you can automate on both platforms. All you need to do is create a new Zap, select the trigger event you want Zapier to look for and the action you want Zapier to automatically do, and set the action details.

Still have questions? Feel free to send us a message by clicking the Question Mark icon on any HoneyBook page. Our team is always happy to help!

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