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Using reusable blocks and pages

How to pull existing pages and blocks into new smart files

Updated over a week ago

To reuse content, you can easily add individual blocks and pages from existing smart file templates into new ones. This feature–referred to as reusable blocks and pages–simplifies the build process, resulting in more streamlined files with even fewer clicks!

Reusing a page

If you need to pull in a full page (or multiple pages) from another smart file, you’ll want to use reusable pages. This tool allows you to easily pull entire pages of content, action blocks, and designs between smart files.

To reuse a page:

1. In your smart file, click the Pages icon at the top of the builder.

2. Click Add Page.

3. Under Select a template to reuse its pages in the right sidebar, search for the smart file template containing the page(s) you'd like to add.

  • To search by content type, use Filters—these allow you to easily find templates containing an invoice, contract, services, scheduler, and/or questions

  • Your ten most frequently-used smart file templates will appear as suggestions, but you can always scroll through the list and click Load more templates to view more

4. Once you've located the smart file, select its name to preview the pages within it.

5. If you'd like to add all pages to your new smart file, click Add all pages immediately. If you’d like to add only one or a select few, first check off the page(s) that you'd like to add, then click Add all pages.

PLEASE NOTE: Invoice and payment pages go hand-in-hand. If you add one, you’ll be required to add the other.

From here, you can make any edits without impacting the page(s) in the original template!

Reusing a block

If you want to pull in just one block from another template, use reusable blocks!

To reuse a block:

1. In your smart file, click the large Plus (+) button to add a new block, or add a new blank page.

2. Next, select the block type you’d like to add.

3. Under Select a template to reuse its . . . in the right sidebar, search for the smart file template containing the block you'd like to add.

  • HoneyBook Tip: This list is organized by your ten most frequently-used smart file templates containing the selected block type. If needed, you can always scroll through the list and click Load more templates.

4. Click on the smart file template name to pull the block into the new file.

PLEASE NOTE: Even though you’re clicking on the entire smart file template name, only the corresponding block will be pulled into the smart file! If you’re hoping to pull in more content at once beyond the one block, consider using reusable pages.

From here, you can make any edits without impacting the block in the original template.

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