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Adding services to a file

How to add a services block to a smart file, allowing clients to easily view and select a service

Updated over a week ago

Services blocks allow you to include the items or services you offer within a smart file. You can make this section view-only, or actually allow your clients to select what they’d like to purchase!

You can even take the smart file a step further and include an invoice and/or contract following the selection. Those blocks will dynamically update to reflect your clients’ selections, so the whole booking process can take a matter of minutes.

Creating a new services block

Once you’ve created your smart file, find or create the page where you want the services to go. You can easily pull an existing services block into your new template to save time! If you make edits, they’ll take effect only in the template you’re working on.

Add to an existing page

1. Click the large plus (+) button to add a new block.

2. Select Services.

3. From here, you can:

  • Click + Start from blank to add a new services block; OR

  • Select an existing smart file template to pull in its services

Once you've added a services block, skip here for more details on building your services out and customizing them.

Add to a new page

1. Click the Pages icon at the top of the builder.

2. Click Add Page.

3. From here, you can:

Adding to your services block

1. If you're starting a services block from scratch, click the service title field to find or add the service you’d like to include. You can:

  • Scroll or type to search through your list of existing items/services

  • Scroll or type to search through your list of existing packages

  • Add a new item/service by typing the service name in the Title field, then clicking + Create

    • If you save the file you're working in as a draft, the service you created won't appear outside that draft. When you send the smart file, the service will be available for use in other smart files.

2. Once you’ve added or selected a service, you can:

  • Click the service title field to edit the name of the item

  • Click the service description field to add or edit the description

  • Click the image icon to add or edit an image

  • Click Add Sub-Item to include additional services or items under the main service

3. In the service item’s settings sidebar, adjust things like the quantity, unit type, and price of the service. You can also click the toggle to allow clients to customize the quantity themselves.

  • HoneyBook Tip: Don’t see the settings sidebar for a particular service? Just click on the service details again!

4. To add another service to the block, click the small plus (+) button that appears above or below the existing service and select Row of Service Items. Then, just repeat the process for the next services!

Finish up your block by giving it a beautiful design and adjusting the settings (like whether clients are required to make a selection, and how many services they can select)!

Once you send a smart file containing services to a client, here's what they'll experience.

Designing your services block

There are several design elements you can adjust to make your services block look exactly how you'd like, so there's no reason services can't get in on the branded fun!

Click the gear icon in the top right corner of the block to open the settings sidebar, then select the Style tab.

From here, you can:

  • Adjust the layout of your services by selecting between rows or columns

  • Add background colors to the block

  • Customize the padding (the border around the elements)

Remember that you can also:

  • Add more content to the block by hovering over an element, and clicking the plus (+) button above or below it

  • Rearrange or delete an element by clicking the element itself to display the move or trash can icons

  • Copy & paste elements or blocks by clicking to highlight the area, then using the Command-C/Command-V (Mac) or Control-C/Control-V (PC) commands to copy and paste

  • Rearrange or delete entire blocks by clicking the block container (outside of the boxes that hold the elements) to display the move or trash can icons for the block

  • Add background colors, images, or further customize the formatting of the block by clicking the block container (outside of the boxes that hold the elements)

Once you send a smart file containing services to a client, here's what they'll experience.

Adjusting services block settings

To make sure your services block looks and functions the way you intend, be sure to review the block's settings.

Click the gear icon in the top right corner of the block to open the settings sidebar, then select the Settings tab.

From here, determine how your client can select services. You can allow for:

  • One: allow client to select a single service option

  • Multiple: allow client to select as many service options as they’d like

  • View only: allow clients to view the services, but not make a selection

Turning the Clients must make a selection toggle on also lets you require the client to select at least one service in order to proceed through their smart file. Toggling this option off will allow them to proceed through the smart file regardless of service selection status.

You can also click to edit the look of the navigation and client's selection summary, where you can update things like the top navigation button text, the summary icon (list or cart), and the visibility of the total amount:

If you allow your client to make service selections, they will be able to access and review their selections anywhere in the file, through the selection summary in the file navigation bar. Your client will only see services they've selected, meaning they will not see any base services included in an invoice (if you've included an invoice in the same smart file) until they actually view the invoice—no surprises!

Once you send a smart file containing services to a client, here's more on what they'll experience.

Designing your service items

In addition to the design of the entire services block, you can also customize the look of the service items that are included in that block.

To change the formatting of a service's text description, highlight the text to pop open the style menu. Here, you can edit or add things like:

  • Font

  • Size

  • Color

  • Text alignment

  • List formatting (description field only)

  • Hyperlinks (description field only)

Then, click the details of any service item to display the service items settings sidebar. Select the Style tab to customize the service items' design, adjusting things like:

  • Background color & opacity

  • Corner rounding

  • Drop shadows

You can also adjust the display settings to decide which item fields are visible.

PLEASE NOTE: Any changes made in the service items' Style tab will impact all service items in this block.

Once you send a smart file containing services to a client, here's what they'll experience.

Adjusting service items' settings

To customize your services even further, review the display settings to toggle visibility for each item field on or off.

You can toggle visibility on or off for:

  • Images

  • Descriptions

  • Quantities

  • Unit prices

  • Service prices

PLEASE NOTE: Any changes made in the service items' Style tab will impact all service items in this block.

Once you send a smart file containing services to a client, here's what they'll experience.

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