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Track and bill your hours

How to track time on desktop and the mobile app's stopwatch feature so you can automatically calculate billable hours.

Updated over 5 months ago

The time tracker tool helps you keep track of how you spend your time on different aspects of a project. It is especially useful for tracking time for services that is not specified in an invoice. You can also transfer tracked time into a new invoice.

There are two ways to log time on HoneyBook. On the desktop version, you can manually add recorded time to a project. On the mobile app, there is a stopwatch feature to log the start and end times of your work.

If you have already tracked your time for a project and want to add it to the project's time log, manually recording time on the desktop version is the best option. If you want HoneyBook to help you track your time, use the stopwatch feature on the mobile app.

On desktop: Manually track and bill your hours

  1. Find and open the project you'll add recorded time to by using the search bar or accessing the project pipeline

  2. Once you're looking at the project workspace, select the Time Tracker in the right-side menu

  3. Select Log new

  4. Enter the time entry's details:

    1. What you worked on

    2. How many hours you worked and your hourly rate

    3. What day you worked these hours

    4. Whether these hours are billable

  5. When you're done, select Add Hours

From here, the tracked hours will appear in the right-side menu. This is also where you'll create an invoice for your billable hours when you're ready to send that to your client.

Edit your hours

  1. Find and open the project you'll add recorded time to by using the search bar or accessing the project pipeline

  2. Once you're looking at the project workspace, select the Time Tracker in the right-side menu

  3. Find the hours you want to edit > select the triple-dot icon at the end of the row > select Edit hours worked

  4. Edit the time entry's details:

    1. What you worked on

    2. How many hours you worked and your hourly rate

    3. What day you worked these hours

    4. Whether these hours are billable

  5. Select Save Changes

Delete your hours

  1. Find and open the project you'll add recorded time to by using the search bar or accessing the project pipeline

  2. Once you're looking at the project workspace, select the Time Tracker in the right-side menu

  3. Find the hours you want to edit > select the triple-dot icon at the end of the row > select Delete work hours > select Delete

On the app: Record your worked hours

There's three ways to track your time on the app: Through the Tools tab, from a project's settings, or from the Create button in the bottom navigation menu. You can also manually edit your time worked once an entry is added to a project from any of these entry points.

You can't bill hours on mobile. You'll need your computer to send the invoice.

  1. Get to the time tracker

    1. From the Tools tab: From the bottom navigation menu, select Tools > select Time tracker

    2. From the project settings: From the bottom navigation menu, select Projects > select the project you'll track time for > select the triple-dot icon > select Track time

    3. From the Create button: From the bottom navigation menu, select Create > select Time tracker

  2. Select the play button to begin tracking your time

    1. You can move away from this screen by swiping down on the time tracker, and can return to it by tapping on the purple banner above the bottom navigation menu

  3. When you're done working, select the pause button

  4. Select Save or edit time to save this time entry

    1. You can also discard this time entry by selecting Discard

  5. Enter the time entry's details

    1. What you worked on

    2. How many hours you worked

    3. Your hourly rate

    4. Whether the hours are billable

    5. Which project this time is for

    6. What day you worked these hours

  6. Select Save

Send an invoice for your billable hours

You'll create an invoice for your billable hours from the project workspace. Only hours you've tagged as billable can be added to an invoice.

📣 Note

Once you invoice your billable hours, you cannot edit or delete them. Make sure your details are correct before sending the invoice.

  1. Find and open the project you'll add recorded time to by using the search bar or accessing the project pipeline

  2. Once you're looking at the project workspace, locate the Time Tracker section in the right-side menu

  3. Select Create Invoice

  4. Select the hours you want to include in the invoice by hovering over them > select the checkbox next to the billable hours' date

  5. When you've checked all the hours you want to include, select Next: Get Invoice.

From here, your client will receive the invoice and can begin making payments on it (depending on the payment due dates you set). You'll get a notification when the client makes a payment and can view the invoice's status from your project's activity feed.

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