Calendly is a scheduling tool that integrates with HoneyBook to make scheduling meetings with your clients easier. Calendly allows clients to view your open calendar and easily schedule a meeting with you.
This integration is available for HoneyBook Essentials and Premium plan members.
What this integration can and can't do
Here's what the Calendly integration can do:
Sync any meetings scheduled through Calendly right into your HoneyBook calendar
Only meetings scheduled after setting up the integration will sync
Here's what the Calendly integration cannot do:
Pull information from your HoneyBook Calendar into Calendly
Link meetings scheduled via Calendly to any HoneyBook projects
Integrate with Multiple Companies at the same time
You'll need to integrate Calendly for every company you have on HoneyBook
If you need what the Calendly integration can't do, try out the HoneyBook Scheduler instead. Set your availability, let clients and leads schedule sessions from within your smart files, and more. Learn more about the HoneyBook Scheduler.
Integrate with Calendly
You must already have a Calendly account to connect with HoneyBook.
From the top nav menu, select Tools > select Integrations
Find the Calendly section > select Connect
Select Connect to Calendly
From here, your Calendly account will be connected to your HoneyBook account. If you need help with your scheduling and are using Calendly for it, you'll need to reach out to them for help (or check out their help center).
You'll return to the Integrations page whenever you need to retrieve your Calendly scheduling link. Consider bookmarking it so you always have easy access.
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