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How to cancel your HoneyBook account
How to cancel your HoneyBook account

Steps to cancel your HoneyBook account

Updated over a week ago

This article provides explains how to cancel your HoneyBook membership. Your account will be available to use through your current subscription period after you've completed the cancellation process. At the end of your billing cycle, your subscription will be canceled and you will no longer be charged a membership fee.

When your membership is cancelled you’ll still have access to all existing projects and information, but you will no longer be able to create new files, projects, or send messages. Cancelling will not delete your account. If you'd like to permanently delete your account, reach out to our Support team at [email protected].

Cancel your HoneyBook subscription created on the HoneyBook platform

For subscriptions created on HoneyBook, you can cancel from your Membership tab:

  1. Note: If you cancel your subscription, you will no longer be eligible for the 20% subscription member discount beginning on your next charge date after February 4, 2025. We encourage you to consider this option carefully. Learn more here.

  2. On any page, select your profile photo to the top right corner of your screen > Company Settings

  3. Select the Membership tab

  4. Select Cancel Plan

  5. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete your cancellation

  6. Once your cancellation is complete, you’ll receive an email confirming the cancellation

Cancel your HoneyBook trial

If you signed up for a free trial, you will not be automatically charged at the end of your trial period. You do not need to cancel to discontinue use of HoneyBook.

Cancel your iOS or Google Play app subscription

For subscriptions created directly from an app store, you can cancel your subscription from that app store:

  1. Confirm if you purchased your membership from the iOS or Android mobile app

  2. Navigate to Apple or Google Play to cancel your app subscription directly with the app subscription provider

  3. The appropriate app store and their Support teams are able to help you with any questions or concerns about the cancellation process

Still have questions? Feel free to send us a message by clicking the Question Mark icon on any HoneyBook page. Our team is always happy to help!

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